Kamati ya Uhusiano ya Vyama vya Siasa

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  3. Kamati ya Uhusiano ya Vyama vya Siasa

The Political Parties Act, 2011 Sec (38) establishes Political Parties Liaison Committee at the National and County Level. The principal function of the Political Parties Liaison Committee is to provide a platform for dialogue between the Registrar, Electoral Commission and political parties.

Office of the Registrar has sustained the structured-dialogue between political parties and Electoral Commission on issues relating to the electoral process in Kenya through various workshops. The formation of PPLC is one of the recommendations made by the Report of the Independent Review Commission (Kriegler Commission) on the General Elections held in Kenya on 27 December 2007.

Aims and Objectives of the Political Parties’ Liaison Committee

  1. To champion and advocate for free, fair, peaceful and transparent electoral environment and processes in Kenya;
  2. To provide a platform for structured multi-party dialogue between Political Parties and the Electoral Management Body on issues relating to the organization and conduct of elections and the electoral environment generally;
  3. To enhance genuine interaction, experience sharing and information exchange between political parties and the Electoral Management Body (EMB) as a way of building trust and confidence in the electoral process;
  4. To identify gaps and shortcoming in the electoral law and process and adopt a consultative and pro-active approach in making suggestions for improvement;
  5. To carry out any other objective as the Political Parties’ Liaison Committee shall deem necessary.

The Political Parties Liaison Committee was formed following discussions between IIEC, Registrar of Political Parties and all the 47 registered political parties in 2009, and the adoption of Nakuru Resolutions in March 2010. Launching of the Liaison Committees was concluded on 21st October, 2010 with Nairobi Region being the last to be launched. To date, PPLC exists at the National and County levels.

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